Prompted by an unceasing “urge” to elaborate on my experience of the last leg of our touring saga, here are some snippets of my thoughts:
Well, as G. Hagi (google it) used to say…the shows went well, we were all in good form and most importantly, the “coach” was pleased.
I find it hard to talk about something that I do and live because of my inability to express it differently. I get up on stage to try and share that, which cannot be put into words or even into actions. Yet, I try.
Not always do I agree with what I am supposed to be portraying on stage, but that’s why they call it professionalism. In that sense, I think I’ve matured a lot; in accepting that the world doesn’t start or end with my opinion.Yet, I try…
I sometimes fight to great lengths for what I believe and hope that those around me have come to understand that as passion rather than discarding it as mere pigheadedness.
Thank you Charlotte for continuing to trust the process and thank you everyone else for putting up with me. It’s been an honour and a pleasure to share the limelight (and the drinks).
Character (no spaces)=889
Character (with spaces)=1,134
p.s. there will now be a short pause
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