16 June 2009
The floor area for IWGO is 10 x 8 metres. I meet set builder David Shakiran to discuss a freestanding chalkboard wall, as mocked up from old sets in Sheffield Independent Film for Aurora's rehearsals. We decide to design it so it can stand 4 metres high x 9 metres wide in middle scale venues, and shrink to 3 metres high x 8 metres wide in smaller venues. Good to be versatile on tour. I anticipate no entrances and exits form the wings - only from behind this wall. In smaller venues there will only be around 1 metre behind the chalkboard wall to the back wall of the theatre space. I hope everyone gets on - its going to be a bit of a squash back there.15 June 2009
We are hiring Bare Bones Dance Company's truss to create a semi-soundproofed, softened studio space within a larger concrete studio space in Sheffield for the majority of the IWGO rehearsals. Persistence Works is a fine art and crafts studio complex just up the road from VDT's office at the Workstation in Sheffield's Cultural Quarter. We are currently planning for a get in there on 5th May, after one more brief week of devising with Scott Smith at Sheffield Independent Film studio. Chris Umney and Eike Schraeder are our Production Managers, Sound and Lighting Technicians for the tour. Chris was Production Manager for Double Vision, a duet with Liz Aggiss I made earlier this year - he is hugely experienced and is fantastic, calming presence on tour. Eike has been involved in Production Management at the Staatheater Wiesbaden in Germany for many years and has recently moved to Kent to set up Shraeder Umney Production and Design Company with Chris: www.schraeder-umney.com. Oh, and they are getting married in July.
11 June 2009
Today I met Jane Faram, VDT's new part-time Administrator, who will be involved in much of the scheduling and transport/ accommodation needs for the cast and crew involved with the IWGO tour. She also works part time at Site Gallery, Sheffield, who have commissioned VDT in the past, so thats a good link.